Know About Edutrust Certification

edutrust certification

The edutrust certification Scheme provides quality assurance for Singapore’s private education establishments. Private schools that can regularly provide high-quality education services and make continuous changes that contribute to excellent student outcomes will be under this program.

A-List Of Requirements For The Edutrust Certification Scheme

This certification scheme on seven criteria. Sub-criteria and items for each measure and comments describing each item’s criteria are included.

Administration And Management Of Corporations

This criterion assesses how PEI achieves efficiency and effectiveness in the administration of administrative operations and resources, external partnerships, corporate governance, communication procedures, information management and confidentiality, feedback, and complaints.

Outsourcing Recruitment Agencies

Selecting, managing, and evaluating successful local and foreign external recruiting brokers is the focus of this criteria. Agents must meet strict standards to guarantee that potential students get high-quality services and that they do not mislead or participate in unethical actions.

Assessment Of Students And Academic Processes

Examines how PEI puts up systems to guarantee that the courses provided satisfy the requirements and expectations of students and industry. When it comes to selecting and admitting suitable students, the PEI uses various methods, including assessments, to determine if students have met their learning goals and monitor the performance of faculty members and students in the classroom.

Meeting The Goals Of Students And Recent Graduates

Students’ and graduates’ results, including academic success, edutrust certification, advancement, and employment, are examined in this criteria (if applicable). It also investigates how the PEI compares its student and graduate achievements to other institutions and national or worldwide standards and uses this to improve and achieve good results. If available, the Graduate Employment Survey (GES) results for PEI grads are also analyzed.